
Smart Muslimah: A Muslim Woman’s Friday Schedule

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By Abdullahi Jamaa
Friday is an important day in the Islamic calendar. A day that is worth of all our attentions and efforts as honorable Muslims, yet we are unable to exploit its religious significance.

While Muslim men have better chances and avenues of earning more rewards on Friday because they attend the Masjid, Muslim women are seemingly lagging behind in honoring this important day of the week.

There is no excuse for Muslim women to abscond or in this case take the matter of Friday so lightly, that it has no impact in their scale of life. Friday is not a day to waste just like that. Mark your calendar very well.

Of course, it is not compulsory for women to attend Masjid on Fridays or any other day, however, engaging in ibadah at home or any other convenient place is a sign of religious dedication. It’s what is required of a Smart Muslimah.

Raising our ranks in front of Allah is all our dream, men and women alike. The struggle for Jannah is for every Muslim, that is why Muslim women should tighten their belts and leave nothing to chance in seeking nearness to Allah (the Most High).

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “The best day that the sun has risen upon is Friday. On it Adam was created, on it he entered Paradise, and on it, he was expelled from it. And the Hour will not be established except on Friday.”

Modern Muslimah

The modern Muslim woman is very privileged. Thanks to technology, she has access to authentic Islamic knowledge. The internet has offered an affordable way of enhancing one’s understanding of the deen; it’s just a click away, many times from the comfort of our homes and offices.

There is no excuse for failing to practice the deen unless one is so hardhearted and generally negligent to engage in Ibadah. An obedient Smart Muslimah should not waste her time, sitting for hours in front of TV with its cheap, nasty and boring contents that makes the heart sick and causes depression while rendering soul and body lethargic.

TV and phone addiction has overtaken the modern Muslimah, destroying modesty and religious commitments.  Instead of choosing that which is beneficial such as lectures or programs about Muslims, Soap Operas and endless movies are killing the time of a Muslimah. Of course this problem also affects modern men.

We have the motivation from the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) that we must strive to be strong and beneficial. The Prophet used to seek refuge with Allah in his supplications from feeling helpless and laziness.

He taught us to strive to do things which will benefit us in this world and in the Hereafter. He told us: “Strive to do that which will benefit you, and seek the help of Allah, and do not feel helpless.” (Muslim)

Imam Ibn Jawzi said: “Wise people are unanimous that wisdom is not reached by relaxation and idleness. Therefore, whoever knows the fruits of laziness will avoid it, and whoever is aware of the fruits of hard work will endure the hardships of the path.”

Honorable Muslim women must challenge themselves and strive to achieve spiritual feats that can help them earn celestial accolades. The only way to do this is to occupy oneself with sincere deeds and endless worship.

It is upon you, the Muslim lady, to make concerted efforts in earning the facilitation of Allah through excellence in ibadah on a day like Friday. This is a calling to you, to mend your ways by trying to do deeds and be a righteous woman.

Friday Schedule

The most important thing that a Muslimah who is proud of her deen should do is is to establish an awesome regimen of worship that puts her in the league of honorable believers. She should have a Friday schedule by observing all compulsory and recommended deeds.

The long day of judgment is awaiting you too, a day longer than 50,000 years. You don’t have to forget yourself in worldly amusements and luxuries that perhaps will decrease the weight of your scale of deeds. It is for you to work hard and it is for Allah to accept.

Respect the day of Friday and abide by the rules of worship. If there is space for women and you have the time and energy, attend the Khutbah in your neighborhood Masjid. If you can’t, dedicate your TVs on Friday in watching live Khutbahs.

Close your work early enough in order to cultivate the goodies that Friday comes with. We have so many rewards and angels are praying for honorable believers, never squander this opportunity that comes once in a week.

Reading Surah Kahf is a strong Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. Make it a habit to read it as part of your Friday spiritual nourishment. Reciting and pondering over the Qurán is a healing and guidance for a believer.

Friday therefore is your weekly dose of spiritual nourishment. It has the potential to cement your faith to herald you to new horizons of religious life. It also breaks the monotony of life and gives you a fresh mental and physical energy to wade through the horrors of life.

Did not the Messenger of Allah say: “Small but consistent actions make change”

Tags: Featured Stories, Smart Muslimah
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