
Analysis: Why political leaders from Northeastern counties are the best!

Expectations are getting low, our hopes waning and the future of the region looks uncertain. There is no reason or excuse as to why we fester in the current cosmos of biting underdevelopment when we have golden opportunities to seize and transform the region. We have endured, the trouble and vexation of the 24 year KANU rule yet there is no reason for us to stagnate at a time when we have resources that can invigorate our aspirations for growth and development


5 Islamic ways to survive hard economic times

By Abdullahi Jamaa Life has a lot of bane and brawl that waylay our objectives while haunting our minds and hearts. Knowing how to deal with life and its trouble, particularly during these harsh economic times requires not just physical hard work but also psychological and spiritual capacity. Unemployment is soaring while economic opportunities are…

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The strength of a Muslim

By Abdullahi Jamaa Getting closer to Allah is the dream of every Muslim. However, this is an uphill battle that is not easy for…

How to spend your weekend Islamically

By Abdullahi Jamaa Like extended infinite lines,ย  in life things appear parallel and endless, always scattered, always unfinished. That is why we find ourselves…