
What a powerful Muslim story

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Compiled by Abdullahi Jamaa
Have you not heard of the stories and news of the tireless endeavors and worship of the good worshippers of old times?

Did you not know that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is the master and teacher of humanity but still he prayed all night until his feet were swelling?

Did you not know that Abu Bakr (ra) was known for his excessive weeping when praying?

Did you not know that Umar Ibn al-Khattab (ra) had two dark lines on his cheek from the amount of tears he cried?

Did you not know that ‘Uthman Ibn ‘Affan (ra) used to recite the entire Qur’an in one unit of prayer?

Did you not know that ‘Ali (ra) used to weep at night while he was praying in his niche until his beard became all wet while saying, ‘O worldly life, you may tempt someone else but not me?’

Did you not know that al-Hasan al-Basrl lived all his life being worried about his hereafter?

Did you not know that Sa‘id Ibn al-Musayyab was a patron in the Masjid and so he did not miss a congregational prayer (salah) in the masjid for forty years.

Did you not know that al-Aswad Ibn Yazid Ibn Qais (from the Tabi’in) used to fast until his skin color changed and became yellow?

Did you not know that when the daughter of al-Rabii Ibn Khaytham asked her father: ‘why do I see people sleep at night while you are still awake?’ He answered, “your father fears the punishment of the grave.’

Did you not know that Abu Muslim al-Khawlanl used to hang a whip on the wall of the Masjid to alert himself with it lest he felt lazy while praying?

Did you not know that though Yazid al-Ruqashi fasted for forty years, he kept saying, ‘Woe to me, the worshippers are still ahead of me?’

Did you not know that al-Mansur Ibn al-Mu’tamir fasted for forty years?

Did you not know that Sufyan al-Thawri used to cry blood because of his fear of Allah?

Did you not know the supreme level of worship and asceticism of the four well-known Imams; Abu Hanifah, Malik, al-Shafi’i and Ahmad?”

So, beware of occupying yourself with knowledge while neglecting acting upon it because this is indeed the state of those suffering permanent laziness.

Compiled from the book: Captured thoughts by Imam Ibn Jawzi

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