
Wealth and work in Islam (halal)

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By Abdullahi Jamaa
Caliph Ali ( RA ) is quoted to have said : The richest of the rich is the one who is not a prisoner of greed”. Unfortunately, many rich people in the world today are amassing wealth, building empires and worldly castles through endless avarices.

The inordinate desire to accumulate, acquire and possess more than one needs resulted in a world full of cruelty and confusion . And as man searches for more wealth, he gets obsessed with life and health in the process forgetting the true meaning of life.

Wealth and creation of wealth have seemingly waylaid many people. Even with their multimillion empires, poor health and unhappy life are some of the problems they have to contend with. Broken families and soar relations is what rich families have inherited after years of wealth creation.

Allah says in the Quran: “Wealth and children are the adornments of the life of this world. But the permanent righteous deeds are better in your Lord’s Sight (to attain) rewards, and better in respect of hope.”

Obviously, negative effects of wealth should not happen to a believing Muslim who follows the fundamental tenets of Islam. The blessed religion of Islam as a complete way of life dictates the conduct of wealth creation. There are boundaries that must not be crossed as our insatiable desire for richness grows every passing moment .

Islam appreciates and accords wealth and jobs as acts of Ibadah. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) encouraged Muslims to trade and do business with each other. Some of the prophet ‘s companions were also engaged in trading activities further cementing the place of business in our religion.

Islam allows legal acquisition of money and properties earned through dedication and hard work. It prohibits unlawful accumulation of affluence. Engagement of corrupt deals in both private and public sector is regarded as an intolerable economic crime. There is no shortcut to richness, there is no economic arm-twisting and patronage and no amount of donations cleans stolen wealth.

Wealth belongs to Allah the cherisher , sustainer and maintainer of the universe . Allah gives wealth to however he wills, like he denies whoever he wills. He makes it easy for whoever he wants and he makes it difficult to whoever he wills. There is no need to develop blood pressures and diabetes for wealth that doesn’t belong to you . The believe that wealth belongs to Allah should make one contented and thankful. Only if you believe that it belongs to Allah will you truly enjoy the benefits of your richness. Go slow as you accumulate it and consistently reflect on the role of your creator .

Wealth is created through consistent hard work and sincere dua. No amount of hard work without dua and no amount of dua without hard work creates wealth. The two must go together . You ask for it and you do it by action . Don’t lazily wait for miracles and dreams to happen overnight . Islam is an active religion and it expects its followers to be innovative and changemakers . We have to rack our brains, think critically and get out of the woods while we ask Allah for guidance, wisdom and blessings .

‘Umar Bin Khattaab, (RA) heard the Messenger of Allah, (SA)saying, “If you trust Allah with right kind of Tawakkul (ie: complete Trust), He will provide you sustenance as He provides for the birds – they go out in the morning with empty stomachs and come back in the evening with full stomachs.” (Tirmizi)

A Muslim should keep in mind that you have to go out and work and find your sustenance. It’s not just going to come in your lap. And one should not panic or despair, if one has the correct intention and trust in their Lord and seeks a halal sustenance then he will come back with their stomachs full. One does not need to compromise their religion, their faith, their integrity for some worldly benefit.

Wealth is a trust from Allah. This means that we have a greater obligation in managing money and properties wisely. We must use wealth in permissible avenues. As Muslims we are not allowed to misuse and abuse it. We must know that Allah gave us money in order to sustain ourselves, our families, relatives , the poor and the needy . These people that depend on us is the reason why Allah granted us the opportunity. Don’t boast with pride and deny your spouse, your children and your relatives the right to your wealth. Allow them to enjoy it , may be it is as a result of their sincere dua that Allah gave you his blessings .

Recognise the role of your family, spouse and children. Allow them to enjoy your wealth within the boundaries of halal . Appreciate their support , buy them gifts and try to solve their financial problems. Support the poor, the needy, pay Zakat and sadaqa, take part in community donations and projects and watch how your wealth multiplies. That is the essence of a Muslim’s wealth .

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