
The future …..

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By  Noshin Bokth 
Assalamualikum darlings

So lately I’ve been stuck on what my next post should be. I have several topics in mind but I was so overwhelmed I wasn’t quite sure where exactly to begin. But I recently had numerous conversations about something that I felt would make an interesting read.

The future…

Did you feel a chill? Debating on whether or not you should continue reading? It’s a frightening thing to discuss I know but nonetheless, it’s inevitable.

Why does it distress us much? You see no matter how much we plan and equip ourselves for the times to come, it’s still so ambiguous. How can we be certain that we will be on the career path of our choosing, that we will have a family, that we will even be alive tomorrow? That’s the thing we can’t ever be certain.


At this point, a lot of people might be wondering well than what’s the point? The point is Allah swt gifted us this life, to make something of it. As a Muslim, i believe our fate is already written but that doesn’t mean I can’t have goals.

It’s so imperative to have an objective in life, to work towards something, to want to be someone. If you don’t you’ll be empty, dead, just floating through the crowd. You must also understand that despite how firm or not your goal is, how sturdy of a plan you have to get that goal, it will change, as the years go by you will discover so much. You might learn that what you wanted at one point isn’t fulfilling, that there’s something greater for you.


Coming from the brown/desi culture I absolutely understand the pressure parents and relatives press on you, to quickly decide on your career path, to map out your future. While I agree that you should have an idea at the very least of what you desire from your life, it’s also okay to be unsure.

I have encountered people who took years to settle on a major in college, I have friends right now, who don’t have the slightest clue about what truly excites them, what makes their heart jump and smile, what comforts their soul, I know someone who studied one thing in college and now is doing something completely opposite and that’s okay, it’s so okay, so don’t be alarmed when I put an emphasis on having some kind of goal.

You guys might be a bit bewildered right now, what is this girl going on about? Let me clarify, though I personally hold the belief that going about life without a clue about what you want is a bit disheartening I also fully understand that discovering and unearthing yourself and mind is an endless process.

Every single day you are learning something about yourself, what you love and what you loathe. Every single day you are gaining a refreshed insight into not only yourself but the world itself. That’s the sublime thing about knowledge, it’s limitless, you’ll never get enough of it, the amount of knowledge in this universe, not even the sky itself could contain.

I want everyone to grasp the fact that if you know exactly what your plan is, wonderful, and if you literally have no idea, that’s also okay. Don’t be so quick to commit to one thing because you indisputably can not even fathom how much you have yet to have seen, read and understood.

Don’t cave into the pressure of family and select something that doesn’t slightly stir a feeling in your soul. Take your time and discern what exactly it is that lights up your soul and mind, what exactly it that offers nourishment, and assists in helping electricity flow through you, ascending you to the summit of your greatness. Pray for guidance, do what makes you happy, I know the future is a daunting concept however it’s can be so incredibly magnificent if you make it. I pray you all find your way, don’t let uncertainty halt you, there is always light.


Noshin Bokth is a student of knowledge and an aspiring writer. She aims to provide people with comfort and bring them closer to Islam through her writings. She shares her reflections on her blog:

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