
Coastal Cuisine: Ugali (sima)

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By Mwanamisi Kasirani
Ugali is a staple food here in Kenya. It is regarded as a heavy meal due to the richness of carbohydrates in it. Ugali is mostly served during lunch to provide people with energy for the rest of the day. To some, Ugali serves as a heavy breakfast and supper. The coastal name for ugali is sima. Ugali can be served with any vegetable stew.

Ugali (Sima)

1 cup of water
2 cups of maize flour

Boil water until it produces bubbles. Add flour gradually and stir. Cook the porridge until the form disappears.

Add the flour gradually and mix until the mixture softens. Smash to remove lumps. Remove from the heat.

Pour in a plate or hot pot and serve with fish stew.

Mwanamisi Kasirani is a writer, blogger and author of the book How to Win The Start-up Game. She is an entrepreneur in the food and beverage industry that makes her the CEO of Yummy Yummy Coastal Dishes. She is a student pursuing a degree in Information Technology at Kabarak University. Mwanamisi is an all-time student of Islam and life and it is her pleasure to share whatever she learns.

Follow her on Instagram  @write_with_mwanaa &  Facebook: Mwanamisi Kasirani

This recipe was brought to you by Yummy Yummy Coastal Dishes.
Contact: 0726235836
Instagram: @yummyyummycoastaldishes

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