
Coastal Cuisine: Makopa Ya Nazi

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By Mwanamisi Kasirani

Makopa ya nazi is among the lost Coastal cuisines. It has a long cooking procedure. Pealed cassava is preserved under moist and warm condition for a week or two until it begins to grow moulds.It is later kept under sunshine for 2 to 3 days. Later on it is soaked in water overnight and the preparation begins the following day.Makopa ya nazi is my favorite. This killer meal has such a calling aroma once toasted in coconut milk. Let’s see how it is prepared.This is a general recipe, the amount of sugar, coconut milk and cardamom you will use is dependent on the amount of dried cassava.

Dried cassava
1st and 2nd coconut milk
Grated cardamom


Soak dried cassava for 6 to 8 hours.
Cook dried cassava until it achieves tenderness.Decant the water and let the dried cassava cool. Peel off the moulds on the back of the dried cassava.Chop into small pieces.


Place the second coconut milk in a sufuria, add the chopped pieces of dried cassava. Cook for 20-30 minutes .Meanwhile add sugar and cardamon. Let it cool after cooking.

Cook the first coconut milk for 2-5 minutes . Let it cool.

Sprinkle the first coconut milk on the dried cassava, serve with tea . Enjoy.


Mwanamisi Kasirani is a writer, blogger and author of the book How to Win The Start-up Game. She is an entrepreneur in the food and beverage industry that makes her the CEO of Yummy Yummy Coastal Dishes. She is a student pursuing a degree in Information Technology at Kabarak University. Mwanamisi is an all-time student of Islam and life and it is her pleasure to share whatever she learns.

Follow her on Instagram  @write_with_mwanaa &  Facebook: Mwanamisi Kasirani


This recipe was brought to you by Yummy Yummy Coastal Dishes.
Contact: 0726235836
Instagram: @yummyyummycoastaldishes

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