By Mwanamisi Kasirani
Muhogo wa nazi (cassava in coconut sauce) is a delicious coastal cuisine that serves as a heavy lunch or supper. It is a highly cherished food in the Mijikenda community. Muhogo wa nazi is mostly served with fried fish.

6 pieces of cassava
Sliced small onion
2 fingers of grated garlic
Half sliced green pepper
1/2 tbsp Salt
1/2 cup first coconut milk
5 cups of second coconut milk
(home teacups)

Step 1:
Peel cassava, wash and chop into small pieces. Boil cassava to tenderness.
Decant the water.
Step 2:
Add salt, garlic, green pepper and onion.
Add the second coconut milk, let it cook until the coconut milk dries.Let it cool.
Step 3:
Sprinkle with the already cooked thick (first) coconut milk.
Serve with crunchy fried fish. Enjoy.
Mwanamisi Kasirani is a writer, blogger and author of the book How to Win The Start-up Game. She is an entrepreneur in the food and beverage industry that makes her the CEO of Yummy Yummy Coastal Dishes. She is a student pursuing a degree in Information Technology at Kabarak University. Mwanamisi is an all-time student of Islam and life and it is her pleasure to share whatever she learns.
Follow her on Instagram @write_with_mwanaa & Facebook: Mwanamisi Kasirani
This recipe was brought to you by Yummy Yummy Coastal Dishes.
Contact: 0726235836
Instagram: @yummyyummycoastaldishes