
Wajir residents pray for rain as drought bites

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By Abdullahi Jamaa & Mohamud Mohamed
With their arms up and their eyes glued to the sky, thousands of Muslims in Wajir county  have on  Sunday turned out in huge numbers during rain prayers  known as “Roob Doon”

Rain prayers in Wajir town

The special prayers for rain that saw worshippers turning their clothes upside down as a sign of spiritual change and repentance to Allah, was punctuated with loud cries of ‘Ameen’

With little anticipation for rains, Muslims across the parched and bare county are ringing alarm bells over an impending livelihood crisis. And their prayers today hoped to catch the ear of Allah, the almighty.

The turbulence of a pitting dry spell has already led to starvation of hundreds of thousands and death of livestock in many drought-devastated regions of Kenya.

Several seasons of failed rains, has turned the life of the residents into a nightmare, as 90 percent of the populations are dependent on mobile herding.

Many are in the throes of a disaster and at the moment the situation is very fragile, that is why they turned to Allah for rains.

Several religious leaders who spoke during the occasion said that the national government’s vaporizing promises is yet to build the great demand for food aid at this harsh season.

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