By Abdullahi Jamaa
The journey of life often involves phenomenal hard work, determination, plan and perseverance. For Ibrahim and Fatuma, the road to their graduation as a lovely couple has been full of awe-inspiring dedication.
Against all odds, the powerful couple are rewriting the rules of family life with their graduation marking what it means to be in a ‘happy marriage’ within a traditionally conservative Somali Muslim community.
Earning their degrees from Rongo University affiliate Nuria College of Wajir, a perfect balance of family, work and study life enabled them to carve a niche in their respective career, while honoring the great status and rightful place of an honorable Muslim family.
“I supported her and she supported me” a humble yet confident Ibrahim told the local media in Wajir. “We are very happy about our achievement”
The couple’s extra ordinary journey invigorates the true ideals of a Muslim marriage that is based on love, compassion and support. Mr. Ibrahim and Mrs Fatuma have leveraged each other’s strength to build a blissful home and bright career together.
“I have graduated with a bachelor of commerce majoring accounting while she graduated with a bachelor of commerce degree in procurement” Ibrahim said
Dressed in a simple black gown, with sporadic reddish faculty colour and an academic cap, the lovely couple from Wajir, stood side by side in a rare colorful graduation occasion that has since become the talk of the town.
Married for thirteen years, the couple have taken their four-year degree journey together, navigating through demanding parental roles and other family responsibilities while putting their best foot forward in topping their career.
They together have achieved a rare accolade within a predominantly patriarchal society where support to women doesn’t ordinarily extend beyond bills. But Ibrahim and Fatuma have truly changed the narrative.
Born and bred in Wajir county, their achievement marks an idyllic embodiment and a paradigm shift in marital relations. A powerful manifestation of what a humble Muslim man can do for his wife. And this is what it means to be following the Sunnah and not the society.
“We have been supportive to each other. We are asking the community to follow this. Husbands to hold the hands of their wives, help them in their studies and lead a good life together” says Ibrahim while loyal Fatuma apparently enjoyed the graduation merriment with her better half
Mr. Ibrahim and his lovely wife Fatuma, in their endeavours are promoting the true life of a Muslim couple that magnifies how marital relationship is an incredible blessing and divine sign, as Allah (glorified and exalted be He) says in the Qur’an:
“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed, in that are signs for a people who give thought.” Qur’an: 30: 21
May Allah bless them abundantly ……………….