
The Sunnah of Health and Fitness

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Ibn ‘Abbas narrated that the Messenger of Allah SAWS said: “Two favors that many of the people squander are health and free time.”

The reality is, we take our health for granted. When we have no problems, we indulge with foods that are not good for our bodies and maintain a lifestyle lacking in the exercise we need. This is contradictory to the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAWS and his companions small – radi-allahu-anhum. We fail to acknowledge that prophethood came when Muhammad SAWS was around 40 years old; the battles that took place in his lifetime happened when he was older than this age. Imagine people in the 40’s and 50’s today leading an army into the battlefield – how many people do you know have the physical capabilities to do so?

The level of obesity amongst Muslims, both in the East and West, is on the rise. Fitness, weight and physical activity are not separate entities to observing a Muslim lifestyle. It is saddening to see the number of people unable to perform sujood because their body is unable to withstand the weight they have gained. Can you imagine this feeling? Diabetes and heart disease are two major illnesses that lifestyle plays a bigger factor in both developing and maintaining.

“A believer who is strong (and healthy) is better and dearer to Allah than the weak believer, but there is goodness in both of them…”

SUNNABeing strong physically has a direct effect on our ability to fulfill our religious duties. While there are many who gain weight due to other health problems, we should actively try to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent illness and as a way of  being thankful to Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala for this blessing. It is fundamentally important that we look to the Qur’an and Sunnah to find actions that are promoted and have a positive impact on our physical health.


“Who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them” (Surah Baqarah 2:3)

Salah involves a great deal of physical movement; the health benefits are present within the different movements we undertake during these five salahs. For example, Rukoo’ works on maintaining good back posture. Interestingly, there is a fitness trend of taking part in yoga. Coming from Hindu traditions, this is a form of exercise that binds movements and meditation. Arguably, some of the movements are similar to those which are done within Salah. By maintaining your five salahs, not only are you getting these movements and meditation regularly, you are also pleasing your Creator insha’Allah.

Eating Habits

Today, people tend to overeat because they have forgotten the principle set out in the Qur’an by AllahAllah Subhanahu-wa-Taala:


“… eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess.” (Surah Al Araf 7:31)

Eating and drinking is needed in order to survive but should not be done in excess. Both the extremes of under-eating and overeating lead to health and spiritual problems. Further, we should also remember the balance we need between different food groups; eating meat all the time and neglecting the need for vegetables and fruits will also lead to problems for the body. The Prophet sawfurther advises us:

‘A human being fills no worse vessel than his stomach. It is sufficient for a human being to eat a few mouthfuls to keep his spine straight. But if he must (fill it), then one third of food, one third for drink and one third for air.’”

We should aim to eat only that which we need in order to fill ourselves and remember that drink is something we also need. Sometimes, people neglect the need for water and fluid, another factor that can lead to problems with the kidney and bladder. Food is needed to provide energy and sustenance to the body; overeating does the opposite of this. Eating too much can leave you feeling lethargic instantly, having a direct impact on your ability to pray and focus in salah.

Physical Activity

There are numerous points to be taken from the Sunnah and life of Prophet Muhammed SAWS pertaining to his physical activity. We are aware that he would retreat away from his family to the Mountain Hera; the mountain today has been modified to make climbing it easier but in the days of the ProphetSAWS, it would have required a great deal of physical strength and ability to reach the top.

It is reported:

“I did not see anyone walk faster than him, as is the earth folded for him. A few moments ago he would be here, and then there. We found it difficult to keep pace when we walked with him and he walked at his normal pace.”

This demonstrates a key part of the Prophet SAWS‘s life which we are failing to implement. We rely on the development of technology in the form of cars and trains to transport us from place to place. While the benefits of these are great, we should not excessively use them when not necessary. The shortest of journeys are now undertaken by cars when they are a reasonable distance by walk.

In another hadith:

“Everything with which a man amuses himself is vain except three (things): a man’s training of his horse, his playing with his wife and his shooting with his bow and arrow.”

Horse Riding is an act from the Sunnah that the majority have lost. It proves to have a large number of benefits for the body, including improved liver and digestive function. Usually, it is a sport done outdoors and thus allows a person to enjoy fresh air. This hadith also describes archery; this is a sport that can be enjoyed by the whole family and in groups. It is shown to improve eye coordination, balance and upper arm strength.

Another activity described in the Sunnah is wrestling:


“Rukanah wrestled the ProphetSAWS and the Prophet SAWS won the match”

Wrestling requires a large amount of physical strength and pushes a person’s body to new levels. This again shows the strength of the Prophet SAWS as well as giving an idea on what a person can do to develop strength for themselves.

Finally, the sunnah demonstrates the notion of physical activities being undertaken with others:

“The Prophet SAWS raced with me and I beat him.”

The Prophet SAWSwould race with A’isha Radi Allahu Anha. Importantly, maintaining good physical health is something that the whole family should be working towards. Parents are an example to their children; by following the sunnah and demonstrating this to them from a young age they too, will insha’Allah maintain this as they grow up.

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