
The humble wealthy Muslim…

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 ‘The rich Muslim is temperate in consumption of wealth, thrifty in philanthropy and holds his wealth in his hands but not in the heart’

By Abdullahi Jamaa
Prophet Sulaiman had all kinds of desirable blessings. Plenty of wealth, a large unique kingdom and prophethood.  He commanded a powerful empire for forty years where he wielded an enormous influence on the affairs of people, beasts, birds and plants.

He was truly blessed with many abilities, of knowledge, of wisdom and of humility. As an obedient prophet he previously asked Allah to grant him a kingdom such as none after him would have.

He commanded the wind, communicated with birds and beasts and instructed the jinns who formed part of the kingdom’s majestic workforce.  It was a rare kingdom that was rich in minerals and means, so great and wide that when Bilqays the queen of Sheba visited the palace she was astonished with its glamour and glory.

The royal palace was made of a perfect mix of sandalwood and glasses that resembled bubbles and blend of pure water. Full of decor and ostentatious pillars that glowed like glacier, it was an ornate in its architecture and splendid in its gardens.

A largely army of men, jinns, birds, and animals served the king faithfully. Sulaiman’s power and authority spread far and wide. For a king who can command the wind and with a dedicated hoopoe as a messenger, men and jinn were loyal making the kingdom the talk of the town.

Sulaiman lived amidst grandeur and excitement. His life as a powerful king, a wealthy man and an obedient prophet was a potent manifestation of a rare accomplishment, a true cadre of prestige and a powerful demonstration of the powers of Allah.

His reign was a great show of success that emanated from true reliance on Allah. His kingdom’s elevation marked the Quranic success that one achieves in true servitude and dedication to the will of Allah.

From height of humility and confidence he scaled the ladder of greatness because of his recognition of the greatness of the creator. His empire reigned justly over the people while propagating the purpose of life in this world.

With power trappings, prophetic prowess and expansive kingdom prophet Suleiman did not lose his consciousness to transform into a tyrannical emperor but with benevolence his unique kingdom imbued a man of humility and not a contagious tycoon.

This story is awe-inspiring and a lasting lesson to humanity about how one can be wealthy and still be humble.

Be an honorable merchant

Allah says in the Quran: “Wealth and children are the adornments of the life of this world.  But the permanent righteous deeds are better in your Lord’s Sight (to attain) rewards, and better in respect of hope.” (Quran 18:46)

The obedient man with treasures of wealth lives like a true king. Out of appreciation and contentment, his two worlds the current and the next are chorded in tune and time.

His affluence is a light that shines throughout his life, helping him to die with a smile on his lips and hopes in his eyes, rich and powerful. With a great conviction that one’s worldly wealth is a material enjoyment that requires accountability ahead of the day of judgement, one will lead a pleasant and religious life.

Ibn Qayyim said “Allah is the creator of affluence and poverty, as he is the creator of everything. Sometimes he tests a man by giving him plenty of wealth and sometimes by narrowing on him the means of livelihood“

An honourable Muslim merchant is the one whose heart is melted and stirred by the words in the Quran that calls upon the believing men and women to do good deeds and shun evil.

Knowing that the ensuing blessing is a manifestation of Allah’s wealth, the billionaire believer glorifies the Lord day and night, blocking satanic temptations while hoping and waiting for the promise of Allah.

“Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allah is all-Encompassing and knowing.” Quran 2:268

Believers do not sell their eternal bliss in sacrificing the deen for wealth neither are they prisoners of some devious worldly inclination. Temperate in consumption of wealth and thrifty in philanthropy, the rich Muslim hold his wealth in the hand but not in their heart.

Aware of the affairs of the community, they roll up their sleeves and donate to the cause of Allah. In funerals and weddings alike they stand up to fill up the gap of deficiency putting cheerful smiles on the faces of the poor in their midst.

“And the likeness of those who spend their wealth seeking Allah’s Pleasure, while they in their own selves are sure and certain that Allah will reward them (for their spending in His Cause), is the likeness of a garden on a height; heavy rain falls on it and it doubles its yield of harvest” Quran 2:265

Their wealth are relied upon not only by their immediate families but by the entire community. For this reason Allah blesses them with wealth, health and success for they sacrificed their hard earned cash in the cause of Allah.

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