
Ramadan 2017: Why fasting is good for your body

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The holy month of Ramadan  is a period of renunciation, praying, generosity and sacrifice.

We all are aware of the spiritual benefits of praying and fasting during Ramadan. But did you know that there are a host of scientific reasons why the month-long fasting is the best thing to do? Read on –

  1. Helps overcome addiction

As Ramadan is about self-restraint, it is the best time to quit a bad, unhealthy habit. After being off your addiction for the 30 days of the holy month, you might not feel the urge to go back to it again. Your body might adapt to the new change so Ramadan is the ideal period to quit a bad indulgence. How about stubbing that butt!

  1. Reduces your appetite

Eating less food during the day gradually shrinks your stomach and you tend to feel full by consuming a small healthy portion of food. If you have been waiting to make changes in your eating pattern then Ramadan will give fillip to your much-needed dietary realignment. By the time the holy month is over, you will have a reduced appetite and you might not have the temptation to over-indulge.

  1. Body absorbs more nutrients

Fasting for long hours during Ramadan improves your metabolism and lets your body absorb more nutrients from food. This can be attributed to an increase in the hormone called adiponectin, which is produced by a combination of fasting and eating late at night, allowing muscles to absorb more nutrients.

  1. Boosts immunity

Studies suggest that fasting for three days can not only boost your immune system but also regenerate it. When you don’t ingest any food in your system for some hours, it encourages the human body to produce more white blood cells, which builds your immune system. It helps the stem cells to go ahead and begin rebuilding the entire system.

  1. Fat breakdown

Fasting from dawn to dusk provides your body with a gentle transition from using glucose as a main source of deriving energy to fat. It also helps in preventing the breakdown of muscle for essential proteins.

When fat is used for energy, it aids in weight loss and eventually reduces your cholesterol levels. Weight loss, in turn, as you are aware can help you control diabetes and blood pressure.

Source: Khaleej Times

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