
Ramadan 2017

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7 Tips To Get Your Kitchen Ready For Ramadan

These are tricks that can make your life as a home cook less stressful, as they help cut your work short. If your goal for this Ramadan is to have an easier time in the kitchen, then you should learn as many shortcuts as possible. For instance, using a food processor to chop onions (especially when you need to use a lot of them)




Seasonal Muslims Or Everyday Muslims..?

Most of us are found complaining that as soon as Ramadan bids farewell, all the zeal and eagerness to perform good deeds vanishes away.




Dealing with Colds & Flu In Ramadan
Colds and flu are like grass snakes, they are not harmful as such but they have the potential to nail you down onto your bed for days or for some few weeks depending on the strength of your immune system.



Universal Value of Ramadan Ethics

Seventeen times during regular daily prayers—and even more during Ramadan since Muslims pray more frequently in that month than any other time—Muslims are reminded that they do not worship Rabbil Muslimin ‘Lord of the Muslims’ but Rabbil a’lameen ‘Lord of the worlds’—all that exist in the physical and the spiritual realm.



How a Mombasa porter endures 12 hours of rigorous fasting in Ramadan

In a typical fasting day, his energy-sapping job consumes significant amount of his body nutrients. Surprisingly Hamisi has never missed a single day of fasting in the past couple of memorable Ramadans.



7 Things To Do This Ramadan For Busy People

Are you going to be super busy this Ramadan? Worried that you won’t be able to make it to taraweeh regularly? Well, we got you! Try to incorporate these 7 things in your daily routine throughout the month to make this Ramadan your best ever.



Why fasting is good for your body
The holy month of Ramadan  is a period of renunciation, praying, generosity and sacrifice.We all are aware of the spiritual benefits of praying and fasting during Ramadan. But did you know that there are a host of scientific reasons why the month-long fasting is the best thing to do? Read on –



Assorted food on white background

What to eat during Ramadan? Here’s a complete meal plan
During the holy month of Ramadan most Muslims are required to abstain entirely from food and drink between sunrise and sunset. It can be challenging to obtain the proper nutrients during this time, and to avoid health risks.





Ramadan Guide to Social Media Fasting
Every Ramadan we make goals oriented around improving ourselves and getting to the next level. There are two ways we go about this – either through increase or through decrease.




Using Ramadan to redeem your professional life and make change
Ramadan is a month of sacrifice, a month of great commitment and dedication to change our personality, lifestyle and our whole world.Our life needs a concrete discipline so that we can achieve a lot in our career, family and social spheres. Change doesn’t come on a silver plate; it comes with sheer hard work and an unbounded determination to soldier on and retie that knot of self development.


8 Ways Ramadan Enhances Your Taqwa
The purpose of fasting is not to make us hungry and thirsty, or to deprive us some of our comfort and conveniences. The real purpose of fasting is that we learn taqwa.

Background noise may hinder toddlers’ ability to learn words
7 Tips to Get Your Kitchen Ready for Ramadan



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