
Muslim Marriage: secrets of modern parenting

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The purpose of parental discipline is to encourage moral, physical, and intellectual development and a sense of responsibility in children. Ultimately, older children will do the right thing, not because they fear external reprisal, but because they have internalized a standard initially presented by parents and other guardians.

By Abdullahi Jamaa
In Islam parenting begins with choosing of a spouse when and where the foundation for new homes and families are built to strengthen the bricks of Islamic society.  A perfect combination of a practically religious couple will fortify the community with great generations.

As enshrined in Islamic teachings, the best among couples are those who marry themselves on the basis of a strong religious background, this is the most desirable in the formation of families.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “A woman is normally sought as a wife for her wealth, beauty, nobility, or religiousness (adherence to Islam), but choose a religious woman and you will prosper.”

The same holds true when looking for a husband, as the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “When someone with whose religion and character you are satisfied asks to marry your daughter, comply with his request. If you do not do so, there will be corruption and great evil on earth. ”

The bond of marriage in Islam must be strong enough from the beginning; its potency depends on the couple’s agility on religious matters such as practicing the daily acts of worship.

Couples with strong religious establishment will not struggle to achieve contentment and satisfaction to endure the trouble and vexation of this world. Couple’s patience in putting the best foot forward to guard their own chastity will help build joyous and happy family.

Dedication and discipline is gotten through practicing your religion wholeheartedly by following the teachings of the Holy Quran and the traditions of prophet Muhammad (SAW). Whoever holds the two tightly will never fall into abyss- disobedience

Every day these types of religious couple will struggle to keep their obedience to Allah (SW) by fulfilling his commandments which will give them an ideal protection from the evils of this world. Their potential children will have a good role model to imitate.

It is Islamically paramount for a mother and father to achieve a great state of faith in order to raise a progeny of beauty and purpose. This will make them understand and appreciate problems of the world today; they will also understand their roles better and bigger in order to strategize on how to raise a righteous generation.

Relaxed and elegant parents are those who trust the Almighty Allah (SW). Every day they pray hard for themselves, their parents and their children. Through devoted and hypnotic worship they achieve a patina of success.

The offspring of religious parents will develop peaceable and beautiful character leading to peerless performance at their homes. This is what every home and family is longing for, it is the beauty of holding the family together that will dictate the epitome of success in this world and in the hereafter.

The mother and father always remain a reflection of their sons and daughters. The good or the bad deeds they do in their everyday life will be inherited by their children; their positive personal quality will herald familial and social prosperity while their bad qualities will destroy communal fabrics.

A good disciplined couple will strive to produce a fine family composed of respectful girls and boys. These children when they grow up will be fruitful to not only their parents but also to entire humanity where their efforts will be highly appreciated.

A bad disobedient couple will produce a fraying family composed of disrespectful children who will grow to destroy the gains of not only their families but also of the entire humanity where their pains will be endured almost on daily basis.

The purpose of parental discipline is to encourage moral, physical, and intellectual development and a sense of responsibility in children. Ultimately, older children will do the right thing, not because they fear external reprisal, but because they have internalized a standard initially presented by parents and other guardians.

Practical scientific researches elaborate the role of positive parental discipline as the cornerstone of forging peace at our homes. Simple things such good time keeping, grooming and greetings will go a long way in nurturing children for better achievements.

It is also good to appreciate that approaching how to discipline a child can be one of the hardest parts of being a parent. Even parents of generally well-behaved children can find themselves at a loss when trying to discipline a defiant toddler or a surly teen.

Islam places the family under high status of morality in which parental roles are strictly emphasized to handle the fragility and innocence of young Muslim children in order to protect them from cataclysmic social values.

The father and mother must have Taqwa of Allah and in order for their children to have Taqwa of Allah. Once you have Taqwa your role as parent will be very clear and simple. The embodiment of Islamic parenting relies squarely on the fear of Allah (SW)

Children that are bred and brought up under Islamic setup will learn and grow better from the experience and interaction at the home environment. The father and the mother will give the first impression of how they will grow up and so they follow- they become pearls.

Your child is a precious diamond free of any engraving and form, yet it is an amenable being engraved and molded in any direction. It is your choice as a parent to form and shape your child for your own good. In Islam it is said that: ‘Every child is born in a state of Fitrah, it is his parents who make him a Jew, a Christian or a Muslim”

Today’s homes are full of parents who missed the golden opportunity to raise great Ulama’s, doctors and engineers either because of utter parental negligence or because of relentless irresponsibility.

The shrilling shame among many families is seemingly irreparable because mothers and fathers have failed in their roles to cement foundation of their children- many parents are seething in anger and frustrations.

From the vintage point of contemporary parenting, the family seems to have achieved nothing; this is an apocalyptic warning of the end of times in which the development of human race has failed to deal with modern savages.



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