
Mid-Ramadan Slump – 10 Ways to Keep Motivated

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With the beginning of Ramadan, most Muslims have great motivation to increase their worship and improve their spirituality. However, when we get to the middle of Ramadan, we start to get tired and that special feeling we had at the beginning of the month starts to fade.
Here, we got 10 tips on how to avoid this drop and keep motivated throughout Ramadan.

1- Reading Quran on a daily basis is a reminder of what you’re actually fasting for.

2- Have a look on your Ramadan plan every morning to remind yourself about your goals.

3- Don’t miss the Ramadan chart, evaluating your performance on a daily basis will keep you on track.

4- Slow down a bit for 2 or 3 days , get some rest so that you get ready and push yourself for the last 10 days.

5- Don’t fall in the trap of self-blame and frustration because weakness is a human nature; instead, try to think positive on how to get back on track.

6- Seek support and encouragement in your social circles to rejuvenate your energy.

7- Watch inspiring lectures with your friends, engage in collective voluntarily work..etc

8- Make Du’a; this is a very effective way that many of us tend to forget.

9- Read inspiring stories of the Prophet and his companions on how they used to spend Ramadan.

10- Remember, Ramadan comes once in a year. It’s worth the effort.

Source: aboutislam.net

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