How to Let Go of Emotional Attachment

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When people say you shouldn’t be attached to dunya, what does that make you think of? Money, fashion, property? Normally something tangible, something materialistic; but how often do you think of people?

Do you ever stop to think that maybe you’re attached to this dunya because of the way you’re attached to people? Now this time, think about someone you love, someone you care about, someone you can’t really imagine your life without. What if that person stopped talking to you, what would become of you? If that relationship ended and they effectively cut you out of their life, how much time would you need to get over it? Unless a person truly detaches from dunya, they become paralyzed. This happens to people whether it is their best friend, someone they are in love with, or just someone in their life who they care deeply for. They stop being productive and allow hours, days, months even to pass by wastefully. If a person you cared about no longer wants you in their life, how do you let go and move on?

how-to-let-go-of-emotional-attachments-600When people are upset they mope and are unable to eat, sleep, think or do anything. They spend their time dwelling on the past, thinking about what went wrong, what could have been done differently, the arguments, the emotions etc. However, all of this can be used as a catalyst for change. It can be used as an opportunity to cut off anything that is no longer benefiting you, thereby getting closer to Allah subḥānahu wa ta’āla (glorified and exalted be He) and fully detaching your heart from dunya.

In this article, we will discuss a few tips on how to achieve this, in sha Allah.

Read more at: The ProductiveMuslim

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