By Mudassir Raja
Ramadan is a month of both test and blessings. Muslims try to make the best of Ramadan as they indulge in prayers and charity more than they usually do the rest of the year.
With the blessings of the holy month, there are also some challenges for many Muslims. One such challenge is for men and women to increase their work productivity while fasting, which is when energy levels remain low for most of the day. Muslim employees often find it difficult to engage in multiple work related duties because they feel tired and sleepy.
Research and tips from health and lifestyle experts shows that if certain practices are adapted during Ramadan, work productivity can surely be increased.
Experts suggest that a fasting individual needs to start his or her work as early as possible after Suhoor.
They should try and take advantage of high energy levels in the early morning. If possible, they should begin working soon after morning prayers. They say that early morning has gold in its mouth.
Individuals fasting need to start their daily work with the tasks that need most of the concentration.
They should prioritise accordingly. Since one is more energetic and can concentrate better during early morning hours of Ramadan, one must prioritise tasks that require more concentration and focus on them so as to complete them first.
Further, those fasting need to avoid interruptions during work. Since there are no interruptions like tea or coffee break during Ramadan, one should try and be able to avoid other interruptions and work for uninterrupted periods of time to finish the given tasks sooner.
Build new habits
One can try and develop new habits for work in the holy month. Since fasting lets you exercise your willpower, it is a good time to get rid of bad habits and acquire good ones. Experts suggest that one needs 21 days to form a habit.
Ramadan can be a very good start with a 30-day trial period of a new habit.
If the individuals fasting can control their meals, they will be more energetic. Fasting for long hours and then having too much food all of a sudden will not result in any spiritual or health benefits. One should try to take food in intervals after Iftar. This will make people feel more energetic to practice nightly rituals and enjoy a sound sleep.
Additionally, people fasting should avoid watching TV during Ramadan so they can have a good sleep.
If one does not sleep well, it impacts the energy and concentration levels the next day as well. Sleeping boosts the ability to deliver results without stress.
Ramadan is the holiest month for the Muslims where they can recharge spiritually for the rest of the year.
They should also use it as a chance to recharge their productivity rates through a set of good habits that we follow from Ramadan onward.