
Here is your true value as a Muslim

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By Abdullahi Jamaa
You are trying so hard to sell yourself to a blemished society and with the new order of social media, you make attempts through posts, shares, likes, views, bells and whistles to attract attention. But is that your true value as an honorable Muslim?

Sell yourself to Allah since none but Allah knows your true merit and value.  Irrespective of your on and offline followers, improve yourself in the sight of Allah. This is what matters. It is all that gives you the true purpose of life.

Imam ibn Jawzi said: “Once a person seeks knowing Allah sincerely and learns how to build a connection or relationship with Him, he is then most likely to be placed into the state of pious nobility. And Whoever Allah chooses will be given guidance’

How many times did you meet someone apparently so handsome and elegant yet from the face you can read and tell some sort of disturbance and confusion. Behind this stylish figure lies a cosmos of boring and biting life.

How many times did you meet someone apparently so ragged and rough yet from the face you can read and tell some feeling of happiness, strength and power. Behind this tired frame lies a path of contentment and satisfaction.

The difference between the two people can explain where you stand as a Muslim. Your value as a Muslim is what gives you the strength to smile in a sea of devastation. Value addition to your religious life is what you need most in order to seize opportunities in this world and the next.

The Hijab you wear, the white thobe, the deeds you do, all these are meaningless if you do them for human acceptance and appreciation. Your religious attire may cover your outer shape, makes you appear like a saint, and look beautiful but without sincerity and honesty you are an empty shell.

So where are you today? What is your true value as a Muslim?

Your value as a Muslim depends on how much you practice and adore your deen. It is about having a complete religious integration of your whole life. In short Islam should be present in your life: at home, at work, and in everywhere.

You should stay true to your religion and culture. Value addition is required and which is achieved through learning and studying the deen. Your mantra should be ‘learn what you don’t know and practice the little you know’

Imam Ghazali said: “Knowledge without action is insanity and action without knowledge is vanity”

And deeds are not how much you do them but how sincere you are when you are doing them. Our righteous predecessors used to extremely hide their good deeds. It was between Allah and them. Nobody knew behind the veil what they do, except what was unavoidable.

Some of them used to scrub their foreheads to hide their prayer marks. Some of them used to fast without their wives and children knowing. Some of them used to sponsor orphans and widows without even the beneficiaries knowing. That was a real struggle to sell themselves to Allah.

Build yourself as a Muslim through sincere Ibadah and devotion. Make concerted efforts to gain some basic knowledge of the deen so that you can perform deeds that elevate your rank. Seeking religious knowledge is therefore your first attempt to improve your value.

It is an indignity for you to call yourself a Muslim at age 40 and still make silly mistakes in compulsory prayer. In this contemporary era when Islamic knowledge is accessible, there should be no excuse for you to stay I don’t know.

Islamic scholars have played their part. We have thousands of authentic materials online, very practical and easy to follow. It is upon you to seek authentic Islamic knowledge so that you can improve your value as a Muslim.

Just how long will you continue to dream that you are too young to be a better Muslim? Taking the deen too lightly and excusing yourself from Ibadah is a spiritual tragedy. Our righteous predecessors said once you approach age 40, retreat to ibadah and repentance. It means your days are almost up and you don’t have enough time to make the most out of your life.

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