
Golden steps to Ramadan’s finishing line

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By Abdullahi Jamaa
There is nothing as enjoying as fasting for thirty consecutive days. For a believer Ramadan offers endless opportunities to connect with our creator, the cherisher and sustainer of the universe. The happiness that we get from completing fasting can only be found within our hearts and minds.

As we approach the finishing line, a billion dollar question will be ‘What will be our take home message after Ramadan? It is the legacy that matters, the change that Ramadan made to our lives. the spiritual, physical and emotional transformation.

With the final ten days beckoning and with our energy sapping, day-by-day Ramadan drifts away from our life. Soon the Satans will be unchained, the gates of heaven will close and those of hell will be wide open.

These last ten days can make or break our resolve for change. We know the significance of the third Ashra because it unveils “mother of all nights- Lailat-tul-Qadar” whose reward is the highest among rest of the days.

Though the entire month is a blessing, Allah has provided Muslims with a night in the last Ashra, night of decree greater in virtue and is better than the nights of thousand months. Stated in Quran:

“We sent it (Quran) down on a blessed Night. Verily,We are ever warning. Therein ( in that Night) is decreed every matter of ordainment. Amran (i.e. a command or this Quran or His Decree of every matter) from Us. Verily, We are ever sending (the Messenger) (As) a Mercy from your Lord.” [Ad-Dukhaan 44: 3-6]

According to sayings of our beloved prophet (SAW) the last ashra are the days to seek refuge from hellfire. Allah will pardon many from Jahanam. We must roll our sleeves and tighten our belts for these days that matter.

It is an Islamic fact that only through Allah’s mercy that we will be granted paradise . However, we need to grasp and seize the opportunity to be part of those who will feel the mercy of the almighty.

So what can we do to redeem our souls from the devastation of hell:

1. Zikr…zikr….zikr

Only in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. Here is the time for endless zikr. Place a daily target of Istighfars, SubhanaAllah, Alhamdulillah and Allahu Akbar. I know of a friend who has a daily target of 1,000 Istighfars, 1000 tasbeeh and takbeer. The experience of this young man with Zikr is so amazing that with or without Ramadan his lips are always wet. Mashallah. Let’s increase zikr and learn new ones to win the race for heaven.

2. Sincere dua 

It’s said that only a sincere dua can change our destiny . Some Ulama say that the power of a sincere dua is limitless. It can move mountains, open new Windows of opportunities that you can’t imagine. Connect your duas with the last ten days and see what Allah can do to your life . Ask for everything from dunya to akhira.

3. Step up sunnah

In order to gain the blessings of the last ten days we need to step up and revive sunnah acts including praying regularly Qablyah and Badiyah. The importance of this is to maximise hasanaat and make us closer to Allah . Acts of sunnah are powerful spiritual tools to stimulate our faith and invigorate our insatiable desire for paradise.


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