
From Islam know the benefits of olive oil

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By Abdullahi Jamaa
Olive oil promotes healthy living. Good for both the outer body and inner organs, it should be a special addition to your daily dietary uptake.  It is a better weapon to protect yourself from the harm of contemporary cuisines.

We learn from the sacred knowledge of Islam that olive is a blessed tree. Both the Holy Quran and the sayings of our beloved prophet (peace be upon him) have spoken vividly about this tree of heaven.

Allah mentions olives in a number of verses in the Quran. Let’s just pick this one for now : “Also a tree springing out of Mount Sinai, which produces oil, and relish for those who use it for food” Quran 23:20

In his commentary of the above verse, legendary Quran Translator Abdulla Yusuf Ali wrote; “Olive oil is an ingredient in medicinal ointments and an ointment used for religious ceremonies. If used for food the olive has a delicious flavour”  

From the science of Hadith we learn that our beloved prophet (peace be upon him) recommended the use of Olive.  At-Tirmidhi and   Ibn   Majah   narrated   that   Abu Hurairah related from the Prophet (peace be upon him) that he said: ”Eat the Zait (Olive Oil) and use it as an ointment, because it is produced from a blessed tree.”

In his books on prophetic medicine, renowned scholar Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (d. 751H or 1350 CE) encouraged the use of olives and its oil. He explained the health and nutritional benefits of this tree that has been used by ancient communities.

“Olive   oil helps against poisons, works as a laxative and rids the body of worms. All kinds   of olive   oil   soften the skin   and slow   the aging process. Salty water blended with the oil helps   burned skin against   blistering.   It In addition strengthens   the gingival” Ibn Qayyim wrote more than 700 years ago.

A bowl of olive oil. Photo/Pixapay

Heart Disease

Over the past few decades modern scientists have done numerous researches on nutritional and medicinal benefit of olive oil. Studies have proven that the oil is highly useful in both instances recommending its inclusion into daily dietary uptakes.

Studies show that the fatty acids and antioxidants in olive oil can offer some powerful health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease. In a 2009 research published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, Portuguese researchers identified the constituent of olive oil that gives greatest protection from heart attack and stroke.

“These findings provide the scientific basis for the clear health benefits that have been seen in people who have olive oil in their diet,” said lead researcher Fatima Paiva-Martins

Olive oil has been a dietary staple for some of the world’s healthiest populations. For instance heart problems, heart attacks and strokes – all types of cardiovascular disease – are lower among traditional Mediterranean populations because they eat olive oil a lot.

The Mediterranean diet is typically high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and olive oil, while low in red meats and moderate in dairy, fish and poultry. Their diet fortified by the power and vitality of olive oil have for centuries made people along the Mediterranean basin the healthiest globally.

Many other studies have shown that those who have a high olive oil intake are at a lower risk of heart disease. Diet supplemented with Extra-Virgin Olive has been proven to be a primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Reduces inflammation

Further studies suggest that taking olive oil may offer several health benefits. Olive oil helps reduce inflammation which is the most instigator of chronic disease including cancer.

Certain compounds in olive oil help reduce inflammation of the body. The phenolic fraction in particular has been highlighted to have beneficial anti-inflammatory effects in several studies. Since its discovery oleocanthal, a VOO (Virgin Olive Oil) phenolic, has gained a reputation of being a compound of interest in the goal of identifying therapeutic targets against many chronic inflammatory disease including cancer, neurodegenerative and joint degenerative disease.

Supports bone health

In 2014, a study in 523 women found consuming over 18 grams (20 ml) of olive oil per day resulted in significantly higher bone density, compared with consuming less than that amount per day. The study highlighted a positive association of olive oil and bone health.

How to use olive oil

It is reported that some people in the Mediterranean region drink up to or about ¼ of a cup (60ml) of olive oil every morning. This may be the best way to gain its benefits however there are no sufficient studies to prove that drinking olive oil is healthier.

As a rule in Islam too much of everything is not advisable, moderation is the key, remember olive oil is a thing of which a little goes a great way. Swallowing a teaspoonful of extra virgin olive oil two or three times a day will go a long way.

“When   the oil    is blended   with   water,   it becomes less hot, milder and thus more beneficial” Ibn Qayyim wrote in his book.

Some people mix a teaspoonful of olive oil and a slice of lemon  in a glass of water and drink the mixture early in the morning on an empty stomach, while others sprinkle a little of the oil on top of their food or salad .

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