
Editorial: Women and workplace in Islam

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This week’s election of Ilhan Omar to the US Congress once again re-ignited discussions on the role of women in Islam, opening an endless online discussion about the subject.

First we must know that the place of women in Islam is well cemented and secured. Their rights are well articulated, preserved with clear commandments that warn men to protect the women folk.

Within the fundamental tenets of Islam women hold a special place. That is why the prophet (SAW) repeatedly said “be good to your mother, mother and mother” for the three consecutive times before saying ‘be good to your father”

During pre-Islamic period we all know how the nonbelievers used to deal with infant girls, burying them alive, or violating their right to life.

Islam rescued women some 1400 years ago when it fought with pagans about this cruel practice of burying girls alive.

Islam did not stop there, it redefined the role of women and gave them more freedom and powers within the community.

Islam gave women the right to education, to marry someone of their choice, to retain their identity after marriage, to divorce, to work, to own and sell property and to seek protection by the law.

The Quran devoted an entire chapter to women, a powerful indication of respect and honour.

In Islam, women are not inferior or unequal to men. Religious rulings confirm that both men and women are equal in the sight of Allah. This is a declaration from Allah. The just.

 “………Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you…” (49:13).

At another verse in the Quran, Allah clearly states that all humans are equal.

 “To whoever, male or female, does good deeds and has faith, We shall give a good life and reward them according to the best of their actions.” (16:97)

In his farewell speech the Prophet (SAW) also commanded men to take care of women.

“Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers”

So there is no dispute about the place of women in Islam if the Quran and Hadith is anything to go by, however there is a huge misunderstanding of the topic among women themselves and also among some men.

There has to be a clear line between Islamic and tribal cultures. We know that many traditional communities are usurping the right of women and because many of these communities are from Islamic background, they tend to push their bigoted discussions towards Islam. This is manifest wrong.

The truth of the matter is that everybody in Islam must follow Allah’s commandments for our benefits. Islamic commandments do not segregate, addressing all humans’ men and women alike.

However, there are some particular Islamic ethics that must be followed by Muslim women in leadership and work places.

Just like men, for women there can be no shortcuts to following longstanding religions obligations that includes:

  1. It is an Islamic practice for a woman to seek the consent of her husband
  2. It is a great honour that Islam made women to be caretakers of home and children.
  3. Women can seek appropriate employment or own appropriate businesses
  4. Just like men, women are not allowed to cross Islamic limits (Halal & Haram)
  5. Women should take care of their clothing and demeanour (Hijab)

It must be noted that Muslim women need to understand their deen so that they know their rights themselves.

It is a religious responsibility to seek knowledge yourselves and understand your own place as women of Islam.

The idea of fence-sitting and not knowing your Islamic rights will only put WOMEN into a precarious ignorant situation.

Acquisition of relevant Islamic Knowledge will help in improving your decision making process. Allah will give you wisdom to distinguish the right from the wrong.

Don’t wait to be told, it is time to go back to the Quran and Sunnah, seeking relevant knowledge on two debated issues 1. Women and workplace in islam 2. Women in leadership in Islam.

The ball is in your court, the women of Islam.

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