
Did people pray?

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By Abdullahi Jamaa
One day, Umar Ibn Khattab, the second caliph of Islam was leading the Morning Prayer when a man attacked him. He was critically wounded after several poisonous stabs. Bleeding profusely and in pain, the caliph endured to complete the prayer.

For a man well-known for his loyalty to the religion, leaving the prayer was not an immediate option for him. He did not abandon the congregation when he was between life and death. Before he became unconscious, he got hold of Abdurahman ibn Auf into the prayer niche as an Imam.

Later on he was taken to his home in a worsening condition. At one point he moved his eyes and asked his son Abdullah a question “did people pray?”  At a time when people were worried about his life, caliph Umar was worried about their prayers.

“did people pray” was the same question that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) once asked his companions when he became ill, unable to lead the prayers prior to his death.

Legendary scholars and righteous predecessors did not live on earth without the abundance of praying; Salah remained a solid bastion for them. It was a countenance and a provision that their soul fed on just as the body feeds on food.

One of the righteous predecessors by the name Ar-Rabi’ Bin Khaytham was a man known for his extra ordinary levels of endurance. He suffered from a rare palsy overstretching his physical ability yet he had a striking zest for prayers.

One time, Bin Khaytham was told “O Abu Yazid! You have been given permission to pray at home” He said: “You have said the truth, but I heard the caller calling ‘Hayya `ala al-Falah (come to success)’, and I thought that whoever hears this call should answer it even by crawling.” 

In his book, Beauty of the Righteous & Ranks of the Elite, Imam Abu Naim al-Asfahani narrated the story of Haritha bin al-Nu’man who lost his sight to cataract at an old age, and he stayed with Ahlu Suffa, at the prophet’s mosque. Haritha used to sit by a corner close to the Prophet’s chamber, and he tied a rope to it, to guide him to walk to the congregational prayers.

Prayer is the lifeblood to our existence in this world and the next.  Living on earth without praying is like missing a heartbeat. When we were born the adhaan was pronounced on our right ear and when we will die janaza will be prayed on our bodies. In between is a lifetime of prayer.

Sticking to the task of praying is a way to endure the darkness of the world; abandoning it is like carrying the earth on your back.  Some righteous predecessors said if you take prayer out of the world, religion will be nothing.

It’s indeed through prayers that we shall have the consciousness of Allah, love for humanity and piety. We are chosen for this noble task for an important reason. This is a portion of the mercy of Allah and a gift from Him to honourable believers.

Allah (the Most High) says in the magnificent Qur’an: “It is the believers who are successful: those who are humble in their prayer…” (Quran 23:1-2)

Our answers of life are hidden in the five daily prayers.  If success is what we are looking for, then we must rush in search of it from the Mosques.  Prayer on time is a master key that opens up the treasures in heavens and on earth.

Our daily bowing and prostration is what replenishes our soul like a timely downpour in a dry spell. These acts are embodiments of true achievement which defines our allegiance to Allah.

The face of a prayerful believer shines like an autumn panicle glowing in the meadow. Our daily regimen of this powerful spiritual appointment is a spark that ignites our minds and lit up our hearts.

Ibn Qayyim said:  “Prayer is the domain of tranquillity for devotees, the enjoyment of the souls of monotheists, the garden of the worshippers, the essence of enjoyment of the humble ones, the test of the sincere ones, and the scale measuring the mettle of those embarking the right path”

Major sin
One becomes deficient when he neglects the five daily prayers. It’s considered a major sin in Islam for a Muslim to abandon this fundamental tenet of worship without any legal excuse.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “The covenant between us and them is the Salat, so whoever abandons it he has committed disbelief.” (Tirmith)

Imam ibn Jawzi said: “Allah (the Most High) has formulated the formal prayers and has preferred them over other acts of worship. Only a person of deficient faith is negligent toward the prayers.”

Our victory depends on our conducts in Salah. The efforts we invest determines the results. The more spiritual capital we devote to improving the quality of our Salah the more success becomes tantalisingly within our rich.

We have to build strong deep pillars for our Salah which can hold it firmly and lift it up to the skies. Our honest attention and sincere intention makes prayer the fertilizer of true faith.

Pray on time and take your time; for success is worth the time we put in. It matters a lot to lubricate the hinges of our life with dedication and commitment that begins with a perfect ablution and ends with a powerful ‘tashahud’

To pick our first step towards success we have to embolden the discipline of praying on time, renewing our humility and attend the Masjid without indolence.

It’s time to ask ourselves did we pray? Did we pray on time? Did we pray in humility? An honest answer to these three questions is where victory for life in this world and the next will emanate from.

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