It’s back, Ramadan is back. Take the courage to excel and immerse yourself into a deep sense of spirituality. Winning the fasting race requires an iron will, decorated with dedication and an unbounded ambition to achieve what you did not achieve last Ramadan.
Ramadan is back!!!
Let’s try to gain all the spiritual benefits of this holy month. Fasting is a lesson in patience and self-control. It builds strong will power, sincerity and devotion as it gives us the strength to overcome our human cravings and temptations and restore the command of our souls over our bodies. It feeds the soul with freedom, dignity and awe. It gives us peace, serenity and devotion.
The best way to get your prayer answered
If we trace the history of supplication, we will not find any person, even previous Prophets, who had this continuous stream of supplications, as much as Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). If we survey the Psalms, the Torah, and the Gospel, we will not come across so many supplications as we come across when we survey Prophet Muhammad’s tradition, peace be upon him.
Top ideas: It’s never too late to plan for Ramadan
Golden prep tips for Ramadan 2024!
Why are your duas never answered?……..
If you combine a sincere heart with halal Rizq, repentance, obedience, trust in Allah, and the completion of all obligatory acts of worship, your prayers are likely to be accepted. One also needs to have full confidence in Allah and hope that if your prayers are not accepted immediately, Allah could be delaying them for your own sake or to protect you from harm. Many times, we ask for things that we do not know whether or not they are good for us.
Ibadah: simple secrets that you neglect
Surah Al Kahf: Read, Listen On The Go
Smart Muslimah: A Muslim Woman’s Friday Schedule
There is no excuse for Muslim women to abscond or in this case take the matter of Friday so lightly, that it has no impact in their scale of life. Friday is not a day to waste just like that. Mark your calendar very well.
The Master Key: Beginning with Bismillah
Saying it offers a secret pleasure and spiritual satisfaction right from the beginning while building your self-esteem and confidence to attain and gain the most out of your daily tasks.
As a concerned Muslim live by this ascribing habit for punctual fulfilment of your worldly and heavenly expectations. The first step of any important undertaking is always important, Bismillah is the foundation stone that you must never neglect.