
Backbiting: the most destructive sin of our age

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By Abdullahi Jamaa
We are living in an era that is full of sins and evil temptations. Our contemporary environment is inundated with thriving immoralities. So grave is the situation that people are boasting about sins broadcasting their latest misdemeanours in online and offline platforms.

People are humming nasty songs through their status, reading pornographic magazines and websites at homes and offices. Many others are transacting in riba while swearing and cursing through lies and deceit.  Sin is the new fashion and order of the day.

Of all the modern vices, backbiting is seemingly the most notorious and common where people seek each other’s faults, envy one another, make fun of one another, behave arrogantly towards each other, trick each other for the sake of worldly gain and count each other’s faults.

Backbiting has become so common nowadays that its stench is no longer felt. Like a toilet cleaner or a tanner we have become so accustomed to its smelly environment that we feel more comfortable in doing it again and again.

We have learnt from the righteous predecessors that Allah’s mercy is far from that gathering wherein three things are found: vain talks, laughter and backbiting.

The story tellers of our time exceed the limits and commit forbidden deeds on a whim, mudslinging brothers and sisters, sucking their blood without shame or guilt. What an ignominy to sit down and drink coffee over somebody’s faults.

Backbiting is what you talk about a person at his back and not in front of him in a manner which he would not like. The companions asked the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) what if we mention the things which are actually found in that person:

The beloved prophet (peace be upon him) replied that if those things are actually found in that person even then in fact you have backbitten him, and if those things are not present in the person then you have slandered.

Allah says in Surah Al-Hujurat, verse 12:

“O you who have believed, avoid much (negative) assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is accepting of repentance and Merciful.” Quran 49: 12

The punishment

One has to be cautious of backbiting as it is an enormous evil. Imagine about something that strips you of your reward (from your righteous deeds) and gives it to your opponents on the day of Judgment when trading will not be through currency but by deeds.

The punishment is grave for the one who backbites. Allah will punish those who backbite on the things they are not aware of and on the things they are aware of and they deliberately spoil the dignity of another person by speaking at his back.

The messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) addressed the punishment of backbiting; he said that during the Night of Ascension (Mai’raj), he saw a group of people who were scratching their chests and faces with their copper nails. He said, that when he asked, “Who are these people, O Jibril?’ Jibril replied: ‘These are the people who ate flesh of others (by backbiting) and trampled people’s honor.”

We seek refuge with Allah from backbiting whether explicit or implicit. And we have to be watchful of backbiting for the Qur’an has mentioned how bad it is.

Imam Ibn Jawzi said:

“There are some people who are very cautious with their purity therefore they use a lot of water in ablution (wudu), but they never avoid backbiting”

Why not shun backbiting and instead talk good of people so that you are praised in the heavens and your good deeds are accepted. Whenever a person speaks well of another, the angels who remain with him say, “May Allah keep the two of you alike.” When he speaks ill of him, they say, “You have disclosed the faults of your brother. Look at yourself and thank Allah that he has not disclosed your faults.”

It has been mentioned that punishment in the grave is as a result of backbiting, not being cautious when urinating and carrying tales and stories of people.  Backbiting is the art of the devil and those who dabble in black magic.

Wahab bin Munabbih (ra) said:

“When anyone sings any praises for you that are not applicable, then remember that he may someday speak such ills of you that also do not apply to you.”


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