
Are you searching for great business ideas?

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By Amira Ayad (From her book: The True Secret)
I recently  heard  a story  about  a  young  man  who  dreamed  of being  rich.  He  carried  a  small  notepad  in  his  pocket  and  jotted down  any  ideas  he  encountered   that   he  might   use  to  start  a business.

He never rejected any thought  that  crossed  his  mind, however irrational or unrealistic it might seem at the time. Passing by a supermarket  one day, he noticed  all the discarded  cardboard boxes,  so  he  noted:   ‘Collect   and  sell  cardboard  boxes’.

Days passed, with more ideas accumulating in his notebook, but he still did not have a clue about which specific one to act on. One  morning,  he was sitting  with  some  friends  discussing  the approaching  season  of  date  fruit  collection.

One  of  his  friends remarked  that  every  year,  the quantity  of  dates  collected  was  huge  that it caused  a shortage  of cardboard  boxes. “Then a single box is sold for  as much  as  five  riyals,”  the  friend  added. The young man jumped up in excitement; he finally saw his chance.  He started collecting a million cardboard boxes to sell to the date merchants at the price of one riyal each. The project was a great success and he became a millionaire overnight.

Don’t underestimate your ideas, even if they might seem small or insignificant.   All revolutionary   actions and inventions  started with  a simple  idea.  Be  creative,  and  always  set  new  challenges working  on improving  your  situation  through  innovation,  keeping yourself   challenged   and  creating   new  opportunities   are  crucial ingredients  in  your  formula  for  success.

Remember the Qur’anic verse:

“Therefore, when you are free [from your immediate task] still labour hard.”    Qur’an  94: 7 )

Of course, don’t forget  to couple  this with the following  verse the one holding  your true secret:

“And to Allah [alone] tum [all your intentions and hopes and] your supplications”  ( Qur’an  94: 8 )

Brainstorm ideas  that bring more creativity  to  everyday  life.  You can involve your children in this brain­ storming activity. It can be really fun. I performed   this exercise   with   my eight-year-old daughter, and here are some  ideas  that  we  came  up  with:  learn  a  new  skill,  read commentary  explaining  the Qur’an and  apply  it in your  life, read a new book every week, learn something  new every day, take  a  walk  smelling  the fresh  air, draw  out  your  feelings, never sleep  after the dawn  prayer, remember  to  renew  your intention before any action, keep an idea journal,  feed  a bird or  a stray  cat,  call  a friend  or  a distant  relative  whom  you have  not contacted  for  a long  time, cook  a  new  dish,  plant some  seeds  or  sprouts,  buy  some  flowers,  burn  incense  in your  house,  collect  shells  from  the  beach, watch  the sunset, visit a museum, visit an orphanage, take a bubble bath, invite some  friends  over  with no fancy  preparations…


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